Docker image creation for keras

Madhuri MK
2 min readMay 14, 2020

Creating a docker image to execute python (.py) file . For CNN model using Keras.

Here using Dockerfile to create docker image.

So brief about Docker and Dockerfile :

Docker: Docker is operating-system-level virtualization mainly intended for developers and sysadmins. Docker makes it easier to create and deploy applications in an isolated environment.

A Dockerfile is a script that contains collections of commands and instructions that will be automatically executed in sequence in the docker environment for building a new docker image.


Docker is installed on system

( Example : Here I have installed docker on ubuntu system )

For installation ref link —

Steps to create docker image:

1.Create Dockerfile using editor of your choice


mkdir ws

cd /ws

gedit Dockerfile

For Dockerfile please refer

2.Build or run created image

#docker build . -t  <image name>
From this <image name> we can create n no.of images

3. Lauch o.s from created image
# docker run -it --name <give name> <image name>

Now o.s is ready to perform all deployment or any other specific activities in this isolated environment easily.

Pushing image to dockerhub

1.Login with your docker hub id (

2.Create a repo

3.Login to local terminal

4.Navigate to docker file location

5.Run this command to connect to your dockerhub account

#docker login — username= <your dockerhub name>

enter the password

6.To list all the local docker images

# docker images

7.Identify the image name and image id which you want push to docker hub

# docker tag /:

8.Now push your image to repo by running

# docker push /

9.Upload will take some time based on size of image and bandwidth of internet

Feel free to download same image from -

